Özge Akarsu is a Belgian-Turkish filmmaker and visual artist based in Antwerp.
She is currently pursuing a PhD in Art at the Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound (RITCS) in Brussels.
Her current project, Nomos, is an animated documentary supported by the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), the Netherlands Film Fund, and the Bulgarian National Film Center.
In 2023, it was selected for the Cannes Film Festival’s Focus SCRIPT program, where it received an award.
That same year, she was granted an artist residency and a grant from the Saari Artist Residency, funded by the Kone Foundation in Finland.
In addition to her filmmaking, the artwork Being with the Other was acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (M HKA) as part of its city collection. She was also commissioned to create a film for M HKA's 2023 'Art’s Birthday' celebration.

e x h i b i t i o n s
In Sight, The city collection Antwerp, M HKA (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp,Belgium, 2023.
I am Scared, Borger Nocturne, The Arts Institute, Antwerp, Belgium, 2023.
Art’s Birthday, M HKA (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp,Belgium, 2023.
BANG, Group Exhibition, De Vleeshaak, Antwerp, Belgium
SLOTPARCOURS ChampdAction.LAbO 2021, De Singel, Antwerp,Belgium.
15 Jaar Wolkenbreiers, Plein Magazijn, Antwerp, Belgium.
10 Jaar Wolkenbreiers, De Oude Beurs, Antwerp, Belgium.
50 years of migration from Morocco and Turkey, Museum aan de Stroom (MAS), Antwerp, Belgium.
a w a r d s
g r a n t s
r e s i d e n c i e s
Saari Residence, Kone Foundation, (FI), 2023.
TSFM’s, 'You Only Pitch Twice' (IT), Talents and Short Film Market, Cannes), 2023
Canlandıranlar Animation Festival (TR), Special Jury Award for the Best Turkish Film category,2021.
Film Festival Ostend (BE),
a prize for the ‘The Best Student Pitch’, 2020.
F e s t i v a l
s e l e c t i o n s
Cannes Film Festival, Focus Script (FR) 2023.
TSFM’s pitch session You Only Pitch Twice (IT) (chosen by Talents and Short Film Market)
European Union Human Rights Film Festival (TR), Gender Equality Competition.
Kortfilmfestival Leuven (BE), Documentary Competition, 2020.
Canlandıranlar Animation Festival (TR), 2020.
ANIMAFILM International Animation Festival, (AZ), 2020.
Ongezienkort Short Film Festival (BE), 2020
Cut to Gent Short Film Festival (BE), 2020.
Breedbeeld Short Film Festival (BE), 2020.